For over 25 years the Benefice has had a small but keen choir, made up from members of the various parishes.
Currently the choir practices most Tuesday evenings at 7.45pm in Stoke Lyne.
The choir sings at the regular monthly Evensong in one of the Benefice churches (see the 'services' page).
The choir also sings at the Benefice service which takes place whenever the is a fifth Sunday in the month, and at occasional special services (for example; Harvests, Commemoration of the Departed, Good friday etc.)
Recently the choir has been delighted that a few people have joined, or will join in on occasion when they can (the choir realises that people have heavy family and work commitments and cannot always attend choir regularly).
Anyone interersted? Do contact us. We work informally. A sense of fun and enthusiasm, is more important than musical knowledge, ability to read music etc.
for more information, contact Penny on 277310, or Becky, the Benefice administrator during office hours, 9.00am to 1.00pm Tuesday, Thursday, friday.