Getting married in church can make your wedding even more special. Making your vows in front of your family and friends, with centuries of history echoing around you, and in the presence of God adds a solemnity to the occasion, making it both memorable and meaningful. And by working together we ensure that your marriage service is unique to you, reflecting your story.
We have some lovely historic churches in the Shelswell Benefice as you can see on the back of this leaflet. St Mary and St Edburga’s in Stratton Audley is nearest to Stratton Court Barn, but they are all beautiful places in which to hold your marriage ceremony.
Establishing a connection to the village
If you cannot demonstrate any of the above connections, you could create one, simply by attending church services in the Benefice churches at least once a month for six consecutive months. If you decide to do this, you will need to leave enough time after your attendance for the banns to be read before your wedding – about another two months should be enough.
Alternatively, you could apply for a Common Licence, which is a Bishop's permission for a marriage to take place in a particular church, by one or both of you living in the Benefice for at least 15 days immediately preceding the date when the application for the Common Licence is made. A common licence is valid for a three month period.
Legal Requirements
There are added things to consider if:A church wedding may well be possible, but if either of these two circumstances apply, you will need to discuss things further with the Rector.
Although same-sex marriage legislation has changed, it remains the case that it is not legally possible for same-sex couples to marry in the Church of England.
You can find out more about getting married in church from
If you would like to explore getting married in one of our churches, then please contact me on 01280 848192 (
We can sort out a time to meet and talk further!